When You Have Hope You Have Everything Inspirational Quote

Hope is a beautiful thing that I used to not quite understand. I mean, really. What even is hope? A thing? A possession? A state of mind? My dad calls it Faith; without his faith he has nothing. No guidance or future, just a darkness. So whether you call it Faith like my dad or hope, it's something that lights the way and keeps us striving for another day.
"When you have hope anything is possible. When your hope is strong, the possibilities are endless. Keep your head held high; something beautiful is on the horizon."
Hope keeps your dreams alive. Where would you be without hope? I know that I say 'thank you' to The Universe every single morning for allowing me to have hope - because without hope I honestly don't know where I would be. Could you imagine a life without an imagination or without that day dream of the endless possibilities of what exists for your life?
I know that I can't. Heck, I wouldn't even want to be here if I didn't have hope by my side. What a dark place the world would be if I couldn't see the good or the opportunities that await in the future.
Hope. Whether it's your trust in The Universe or you're creating it yourself, just make sure you keep a little bit of hope in every single day.